Monday, January 24, 2011


So as I stated yesterday. Things come up. I have been planning this trip to Houston for my birthday week for over a month in my head, and a few weeks vocally. Though I think I've been talking to Greg about it for quite awhile. So its been "set in stone" in my mind. Of course, that was silly of me. I dont know how many times I will have to be told no before I learn my lesson to be flexible. But lets face it, I'm a stubborn firery red head who does not like to not get her way. From the infamous "I TACO MOMMY" quote, to moving out at 17, moving to Texas, getting married and not telling anyone first... I like to do what I want. So being told this weekend the dates of things that have to happen for the deployment. I was crushed. Of course they all happen right around my birthday, thank goodness nothing happens on my actual birthday..or I'd be reaaaaalllly sad. So I have been wracking my brain for the past 48 hours trying to figure out a solution. Voila! I texted Lindz, asked her when shes off...and told Greg to put in leave for this coming weekend. Yup. We move out of the apartment on the 31st, and I want to go to Houston the 27-30th. So my week has become mega crunchtime packing zone. Hahaha. Wish me luck.

To do Today:

All decorations are coming down, clothes will be sorted and packed appropriately, and the kitty/wii room will be entirely packed and cleaned up!

Whohooo for making things work. Boo for making more work for myself. At least this way I'll keep myself busy this week! Cant wait to be home sooN~

PS- Anyone want to go thrifting with me in the future? I'm addicted to craft blogs and I wanna make stuff while I'm home! K thanks!

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