Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well I will probably never get the swing of things and keep up with this regularly but lifes been pretty good lately. I started a 24 day challenge yesterday and so far its alright. Ha ha. Its from Advocare, it starts with a 10 day cleanse, and then a 14 day toning period. The fiber drinks are awful, but I'm doing it for me. I'm tired of not feeling my best so here we go. Been to the gym everyday except Sat and Sun this week, and tonight, but you need to rest your body for optimum results, so we're going with 3 days on 3 days off. Cardio all 3 days, and workouts switching between back and shoulders, arms and chest, and legs. My legs are still killing me from Monday so cardio has been rough but manageable. So Tuesday I weighed in at 173 pounds. I'm not happy with the number or the look of my body but I'm hoping to see awesome results in the next month. I'm doing the 24 day challenge to jumpstart the weightloss so I can see results and stay motivated. I'm going to weigh myself again at the end of the 10 days just to see what the cleanse does for me. I've been drinking 6-10 glasses of water a day and even with that improvement I'm happy. I know that 2012 probably wont be any easier than 2011. Already they love sending Greg away, but I'm dealing alright. Sounds like we have another deployment coming up this Summer to a place I'm not happy about but I'm preparing myself now to hopefully deal with the stress alright when it comes. I'm hoping to take a few classes and a few trips, and maybe even make it out to see my lovely sister and her beautiful baby boy. There's so much change coming. We're paying off our credit cards (again) with our tax returns, and keeping a little for ourselves, hopefully to reward myself for sticking to my resolution. Personally I've been a bit stressed lately. 15 credits this semester, which doesn't sound bad but already my workload is piling up and I'm trying to take it one chapter at a time. I'm also dealing with all my closest friends in Abilene leaving in the next 6 months. Some not so far, and will be an ocean and a very expensive plane ticket away. Again, trying to stay positive. Its just hard meeting the perfect people to be your best friends and saying goodbye. I don't want to be alone down here again, but I know I can make friends I just need to get out and do it. So heres to 2012 and hopefully good changes, and taking all the swings life throws at me and making them home runs <3