Thursday, November 25, 2010

I am Thankful

I am thankful that I got to share this thanksgiving with my husband, even if we are away from home, I am so thankful we could at least be together this holiday season. We even got to share a delicious meal with two friends and our kitties even got a taste of some turkey.. that and Josh gave them a heaping bowl of food afterwards so they were in heaven. It was cute. Now they're all passed out together with their food babies sleeping it off. It was a nice quiet day of talking, video games, and football. The food this year was spectacular! I am so proud of myself :). Bragging rights forever!

I am thankful that our ticket got cut in half, and we only had to pay a $250 fine instead of a $550. That was a lot of stress off my shoulders.

I am thankful the government gives me money to go to school.

I am thankful for my family. You may not know it, and I do not say thank you enough, but you keep me going strong when all I wanna do is quit and come home. You guys are half my strength. The other half is here with me right now.. even if he is playing call of duty...

I am thankful for my husband. The man who makes me laugh, makes me cry, dries my tears, kisses me goodmorning, always tells me I'm beautiful and loved. He keeps me sane. When I get stressed out, he tells me to forget everything and take a day off. I love him soo very much.

I am thankful for my friends. You guys are the greatest, near and far. Keeping a lonely lady laughing and with things to look forward to. <3

Friday, November 19, 2010

Life Is Good

So I would like to say I haven't written because I'm soooo busy. But basically that is a big fat lie. I just dont have much to write about so I wait a few weeks until I feel like I have enough to say. Now just because I'm not busy doesn't mean I am not stressed ridiculously. I've been working on Christmas presents,and I am soo happy to say I only have 2 left to make, and 2 left to buy:). That is such a relief! Makes me excited because I think this year I am spot on with my presents! Yay! Lately I've had a hard time sleeping, but painting has been helping.

We're moving out of our apartment at the end of Dec, and as of yet we dont have a certain place to go... but hopefully by this weekend we shall have that worked out. I'll let you know as soon as I do. I'm still stressed about my court date next week for that stupid parking ticket. A ticket I've had to sit and stress about for the past 2 1/2 months, but next wednesday, whether good or bad it will be over. Then its Thanksgiving!!!

I am so excited this year to redeem my frozen turkey fiasco of last year. I have been planning this turkey all week and lemme tell ya, its going to be great. I'm going to stuff the turkey with an onion, 2 lemons, and rosemary, rub down the outside with butter, salt, and pepper. I know how often to baste it, how to make the perfect gravy.. mmmm. Its going to be epic. I'm making stuffing, corn, biscuits, pumpkin pies, apple pie, brownies, and cookies. Veggie platter, cheese and crackers, seriously I am so incredibly excited! Though it will probably be smaller than last year, it will still be great.

I've also been worrying about my classes, but this week I've really been pushing myself to get this next class done, since now I only have 3 months left. Which is fine, I only have one class left, but at this rate I wont finish so I'm really trying to get that done.

I think thats all for now! Lots of love to everyone far away! I miss you!