Sunday, June 26, 2011

Another Day Another Dollar

Greg is on another trip. It was hard saying goodbye again so soon, even if its only for a few days. Life will never be easy, but I am starting to enjoy my time alone. I can lay on the couch all day if I want to, or I can actually be productive and get things done without feeling like I have to keep someone else company. Dont get me wrong, it still sucks being alone, but I'm working on making the best of it instead of just moping around the whole time. I do have to say, he left Friday morning and its taking me until now to actually get things done. I managed to do Yoga today, research hotels for our California trip next year, I planted my herb garden (hopefully they actually grow true leaves now instead of just the sprouts that I have now) and I cleaned up the mess I've made around the house. I also defrosted the fridge, its working again (yay me). Though in my downtime I caught up on all my shows.. oo I also looked into careers. I've taken so many classes and I still dont feel like I've found anything that fits. I want a job thats mentally intriguing. I want to solve problems, or puzzles. Maybe accounting is right for me, I took a couple career tests today and they all tell me business is where I'm meant to be. Analyst, administrator, accounting are all my top jobs. So my goal is to actually call the admissions councelor for Ashford University and see what I can do and what I need and how soon I can actually graduate. Not that I really care about having a good job or anything, it'd just be nice to feel like I'm contributing to this partnership instead of living off my hubby's money. We're doing fine, but we could be doing great if I got my act in gear. Anyways, off to find some ice cream! Love to all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Friends Exciting Times

Since Greg got back from his deployment we've been hanging out with a new crowd. Its exciting, relieving, and they are just so much fun. Its a lot of couples, a few years older than us, but we're all on the same wavelength. There isn't as much childish drama, its just a bunch of people getting together and having a good time! We took our first camping trip in Texas with these guys. One of the best weekends of my life. We went up to Possum Kingdom, its about a 2 hour drive. We were doing some recon for the 4th of July when we head up there for 5 days. The park is great, the water is great, Hells Gate is awesome. Its this cove on the lake, and when you pull in there are 2 huge cliffs on each side that make "the gate" and you drive through in the boat, and everyone ties their boats together and you hang out and swim for the afternoon and make new friends. It was awesome. I had so much fun. To tell you a little more about how that Saturday went..we were all sitting at Hells Gate. Talking to the boats next to us as these clouds start rolling in. Soon it was raining. No big deal, it was 106 and the rain felt great..but then it started hailing, as we all dive and hide under the little sun top random hail hitting you, we start wondering about our campsite.. Well we finally went back just a little before dark, to find the whole campground (which was full previously) empty and trashed. All of our tents (with the exception of Bill who had a little one man tent) were knocked over and/or broken. Our tent was mostly ok, one of the loops for the stake ripped off but we'll get it sewed back on and it will be fine again. It was good times, things to laugh over. Trunks were knocked over and filled with water, but we had food, and the night was gorgeous and we all laughed about it and continued to have a good time. I'm so glad we went. Even though we're completely broke until payday now, its nice spending our money on actually doing things instead of unnecessary things.

We got our cordaroy! Its huge but its awesome! It definitely makes for more snuggling time :) We curl up on it and play video games, the cats love their new nap spot, and it significantly shrunk the sive of our livingroom but soo worth it! We're looking forward to the future and all the good times to be had! Loving life in Texas! :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm A Slacker

So I've been meaning to update the blog, and I've even started a few but never felt like finishing them. We've had lots of fun news in the past month. We dont have roommates anymore, just decided living our own is the way to go. So since that, we've spent lots of time unpacking, moving, getting our house set up the way we want and planning for the future. So heres what we've come up with.

1. Our honeymoon is being changed. I've decided that if we have a really good chance of getting orders to Germany, there is no sense in spending $6000 on a honeymoon to Greece, when it would be a heck of a lot cheaper taking a train once we get there. So instead, we will be taking a trip to California. A one night stop in Venice Beach, then up to the Redwood National Forest for a 3 day camping trip, then down to Napa/Sonoma Valley to stay in a Bed and Breakfast for 3 days, and then a one night stop in Vegas on the way home. Super excited, should be incredibly fun. We'll be taking that trip hopefully next July 2012. *Keep fingers crossed*

2. We are building a cat tree. Cat "playhouses" are super expensive. We've made a "blueprint" (I use that term very lightly for the drawing is pretty hilarious and you would have no idea what it was from looking at it.) But we've figured out the exact amounts of wood and carpet needed and how much it will cost to make (roughly $60 instead of paying $200+ for one this gigantic) and we'll be buying parts slowly every paycheck.

3. We're buying a Courdaroy. If you dont know what it is. You're missing out. Theres the link :) php Thats the exact one we're buying. A double king sofa. It will replace one of the sofas downstairs. Wooooo!! Super pumped about that!

4. We also are getting a patio set. Its a must. We wish we had one everyday.

So I'm super excited for our goals, our future, and having my family visit, even if its only one night. I cant wait for them to see my new place and all we've done with it. Love and miss everyone! <3