Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ever thine. Ever Mine. Ever Ours.

So Greg left a few days ago for another trip round the world, and I am left at home. The first day is always the hardest. This time seemed extra hard, being completely alone for the first time since the last deployment, but tonight I had a realization. I am here thinking of him, and he is over there doing the exact same thing. It brought a smile to my face, and for once, relaxation. Life is good. I have the love of my life, and he's working hard so we can start a family and a life of our own and make our dreams come true. He is wonderful. I don't need to stress. I have plans, and back up plans, and if they don't work out, we'll find a way to make things work. We always do. We may not always have the most money to work with, but it all works out in the end. I am so grateful for the life I have been given with him.

I'm looking forward to Christmas. Cooking a nice ham, plenty of wonderful sides, and sharing them with anyone who wants a second home for the holidays. I think thats my role I want to have here. I want to have a home that is always open to someone who needs family, because we all need a support group. Christmas morning I will make Mama Marquardts wonderful cherry crepes, so Greg hopefully wont be too homesick, and someday shortly after christmas I'll do Grandma Arlene's caramel rolls. I miss her a lot around the holidays. How her house was always open, stocked with yummy treats and tampico "orange juice". I hope to have a house like hers someday. Where family or not, you are always welcome. So I am starting early. If anyone needs a place to go, and wants food, please feel free to walk on in.

I'm excited for New Years and Staci visiting. Soo many wonderful things to look forward to in life. We've decided to change our Bahamas vacation to Crete. I want to see more of Europe, and Greg really loves it there. So we'll keep everyone posted!

Lots of love to all those struggling <3

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